IOCC - Integrated Operations and Control Centre (Goiania - Brazil)
IOCC - Integrated Operations and Control Centre (Goiania - Brazil)
Goiania, the capital of the State of Goias, is the sixth-largest city in Brazil by area and the tenth most populous municipality, with a population of approximately 1.5 million (Census 2018). Located in the central part of the state and the country, it is the 13th most populous metropolitan region in Brazil, with over 2.5 million inhabitants. It was planned and built to be the political and administrative capital of the State of Goias.
Goiania is an important economic hub of the region and is considered a strategic centre for industry, commerce, health services, fashion, and agriculture. According to data from the State Planning and Development Agency (Segplan), the GDP reached R$ 19.450 billion (2008), which is approximately 25.8% of all State of Goias goods and services production. The monthly income per capita was R$ 1,268.41 in 2010.
Since its inception, the city has experienced rapid and disorderly population growth, which associated with irregular land use, has had a negative impact on social inequality, crime rates, mobility, waste disposal, flooding and environmental issues, therefore demanding great efforts from the municipal government.
According to data from the National Traffic Department (Denatran), Goiania had a fleet of 1,117,566 vehicles in circulation, of which 224,606 are motorcycles (2016).
The IOCC project was proposed to minimise these and other problems, improving the quality of life of the population. IOCC is also part of the strategy to implement smart cities concepts in Goiania.
In 2016, the IOCC began operating as a laboratory to test technical solutions and is currently waiting for investment to expand its activities. The solutions being tested are related to public security, law enforcement (transit), georeferencing and communications system that allow for real-time tracking of vehicles and people, together with the integration of a variety of other systems, such as bus information and traffic signal control , among others.
CGI - Centro de Gestao Integrada, Prefeitura de Goiania
Description of the objectives:
The IOCC was created to provide the public administration with the tools needed to obtain, store and analyse city data, support decisions and actions, and provide a quick response time to city problems. To achieve this objective, the IOCC project includes:
City monitoring: use of sensors installed at strategic points to monitor in real-time the conditions of traffic, transportation, security, and the environment.
Results based management: use of indicators, goals and metrics to monitor and evaluate programs, projects and actions implemented by the municipal administration.
Team integration: promote greater integration between agencies that develop actions in the project areas of operation by reducing redundancy, response time and the need for resources.
Prefeitura de Goiania (Goiania Municipality)
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
Korean Research Institute for Human Settlements (KRIHS)
Among the challenges faced by the project are the need to update the already existing data centre, the insufficient data network speed and coverage, and limited resources available to the project.
Main activities of the project.
• Sensor installation (cameras and rain gauges) in strategic locations;
• Partnerships with other agencies to expand monitoring systems;
• Integration of the traffic signal control centre using a high-speed data communication network (under implementation);
• Development of an event control system;
• Integration of teams responsible for traffic, transportation, security, and civil defence;
• Installation of a georeferencing and digital radio communication system;
• Installation of a video-wall;
• Expansion of data communication links;
• Installation of a sensors-based law enforcement (traffic) system;
• Monitoring of public transportation (under implementation);
• Monitoring of public areas using cameras to reduce crimes;
• Monitoring of areas with a high risk of flooding and fire;
Reduction of traffic law violations in areas monitored by the IOCC.
Reduction of criminal occurrences in areas monitored by the IOCC.