Smart Solutions

Smart solutions are designed and deployed to meet one or more objectives. These can consist of both a) the assets and inputs (finance, human and organizational resources, ICT, infrastructures, etc.) needed, and b) the actions carried out using the assets and inputs to meet an objective.

Information and/or data provided to the public so they can understand the workings of city government and become involved in government, as well as increasing transparency and building trust.

Information and processes enabling citizens to understand where they have not received a service or support due to them and how they can engage with city government to easily and effectively solve

Government services provided solely or partially through digital means, including on websites, through social media, by mobile, etc.

Information and processes enabling citizens to engage with city government, as well as with each other, to better meet their needs, contribute to decision- and policy-making, co-create services, et

Information and processes enabling citizens to monitor the processes and workings of city government and/or other actors in city life, to hold city government and other actors to account where rele

Video systems designed to monitor and record crime across the city in real time, as well as provide archive material for later analysis.

Efficient and effective solid waste management, and applying circular economy and bio-mimicry principles.

Efficient and effective conversion of waste materials to sustainable energy and fuel, and applying circular economy and bio-mimicry principles.

Efficient and effective sustainable recycling and reduction of construction and demolition (C&D) waste for specific purposes, and applying circular economy and bio-mimicry principles.

Efficient and effective conversion of waste materials to sustainable compost usable for the growing of food and other agricultural and environmental purposes, and applying circular economy and bio-

Efficient and effective conversion of waste materials to sustainable water to be treated for specific purposes, and applying circular economy and bio-mimicry principles.

Intelligent and sustainable metering and management of water resources for specific purposes, and applying circular economy and bio-mimicry principles.

Intelligent and sustainable leakage and preventive maintenance of water resources for specific purposes, and applying circular economy and bio-mimicry principles.

Intelligent and sustainable water quality monitoring for specific purposes, and applying circular economy and bio-mimicry principles.

Intelligent and sustainable sanitation facilities for specific purposes, and applying circular economy and bio-mimicry principles.

Intelligent and sustainable metering and management of energy for specific purposes, and applying circular economy and bio-mimicry principles.

Intelligent and sustainable street and public space lighting for specific purposes, and applying circular economy and bio-mimicry principles.

Intelligent and sustainable development and use of renewable energy sources for specific purposes, and applying circular economy and bio-mimicry principles.

Intelligent and sustainable energy efficient and green buildings for specific purposes, and applying circular economy and bio-mimicry principles.

Intelligent/smart and sustainable urban lighting for all needs and all parts of the city.

Intelligent/smart and sustainable traffic management, balancing the benefits of individual drivers, all drivers as well as other actors and needs in the city.

Intelligent/smart and sustainable multi-modal transport, balancing the benefits of individual transport users, all users as well as other actors and needs in the city.

Intelligent/smart and sustainable vehicle parking, balancing the benefits of individual drivers, all drivers as well as other actors and needs in the city.

Efficient and effective personalised tele-medicine for self-use and for remote monitoring and support by health personnel.

Efficient and effective personalised tele-education for self-use and for remote monitoring and support by education personnel.

Efficient and effective skills development centers promoting vocational skills for individual workers and/or businesses.

Efficient and effective business incubation service assisting entrepreneurs start and/or grow a business.

Efficient and effective trade facilitation service centers assisting businesses identify, establish and carry out domestic and/or foreign trade.