Living Lab Scheveningen (The Hague - The Netherlands)
Living Lab Scheveningen (The Hague - The Netherlands)
The Living Lab Scheveningen started as an R&D assignment of the Municipality of The Hague to the market. Companies were challenged to build a large-scale infrastructure and network where they could test and develop several business solutions. It is a public-private partnership where the city of The Hague is responsible for the policy-making and for involving the citizens in the process.
Around 500 smart lamp posts (Smart City Hubs) were connected to a digital infrastructure with a 5G Wi-Fi network. Several sensors and electrical applications (such as charging points for electric vehicles) are also being installed to allow all interested parties to develop applications using the open data generated by these Smart City Hubs. The main goal is that, at the end of the experiment (which will take 6 to 8 years), The Hague can build a complete smart city platform for the whole city.
Living Lab Scheveningen is linked to the “De Kust Gezond” municipal programme, which aims to upgrade the outdoor space of the city to make Scheveningen greener and more attractive to residents, businesses, and tourists.
Interview with Vincent van Mierlo (Eurofiber) at the Smart City Expo World Congress Barcelona 2017.
Improved Urban Lighting;
Improved Intelligent Transport Systems.
Description of the specfic objectives:
- The Smart City Hubs (smart lamp posts) aim to offer the opportunity to several companies in the market to deliver all sorts of applications;
- Test the technological solutions behind the Smart City Hubs;
- Test the Living Lab business model during the 6 to 8 years of the experiment, to assess if the innovations will remain relevant;
- Improve urban lighting and smart measuring of environmental indicators;
- Strengthen Scheveningen’s economic environment.
Municipality of The Hague; Eneco; Eurofiber; PwC.
- There are some technical issues related to the best kind of network or model to use in the scaling of the solution to other areas of the city;
- Funding for the project (the co-funding model is challenging because it depends on the contribution of different companies and the municipal government);
- The municipal government is interested in analysing if they can meet the demands and challenges they face as a city using the type of infrastructures that are installed in the living lab. If the infrastructure proves itself to be useful, the municipality has the challenge of transforming it into a scalable model for other cities to replicate.
- Sensors were installed in the smart lamp posts to measure air quality and noise pollution, and detect traffic congestion;
- Smart lighting technology was installed in the smart lamp posts to allow the remote management of lighting intensity and colour;
- The smart lamp posts have charging points for electric vehicles;
- A 5G Wi-Fi network was incorporated in the smart lamp posts.
Around 500 smart lamp posts (Smart City Hubs) are being installed in the Scheveningen area.
- Increased sense of security due to the smart lighting technology;
- Identification of free parking spots, ensuring a more efficient traffic flow management;
- Measuring more data in public spaces and using it smartly allows for a more efficient use of time, money, space, and energy.