Isaac Kim
Mr. Isaac Kim is a computer science engineer and principal consultant at KINY and Partners. His experiences include working for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) as an ICT specialist for development for a total of 5 years based in West Africa and Europe.
He is currently supporting the with the project “Designing Comprehensive E-Governance Systems for Dhaka City Corporations,” providing technical assistance for Dhaka City Corporations. Mr. Kim previously served as consultant for the projects: Development of Dhaka Smart City’s Strategies and Solutions, Bangladesh Mobile Government Architecture, /NIPA cooperation Tajikistan Mobile Government Feasibility Study, and /NIPA Cooperation for Bangladesh Mobile Application Feasibility Study.
In 2015, Mr. Kim was in Belarus as a consultant for executing the “National Informatization Strategy Development Consulting for Belarus,” which delivered an overall strategy and key recommendations for Belarus’ National ICT plan for 2016-2022. Mr. Kim is also one of the original developers of the National Informatization Assessment Tool (NIAT), co-developed with the National Information Society Agency (NIA) of Korea. The tool was used for comprehensive assessment of the informatization status a country and was used officially to develop a masterplan for Belarus.